![]() 2009 КалендарПраздники молокан |
![]() 2009 CalendarMolokan Holidays |
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Download the 2009 Spiritual Christian Molokan Holiday Calendar Bible links below are to the Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition, which closely corresponds to the Russian Bible used by Molokane. |
7 января — Рождество
Христово (От Матфея 1:16-25, От Луки 1:26-55) |
January 7 — Birth of Christ Adaption of the Nativity. (Matthew 1:16-25, Luke 1:26-55). Also celebrated by Pryguny. |
19 января — Крещение (От Матфея 3:13-17, От Луки 3:22, От Иоанна 2:1-11) |
January 19 — Epiphany The revelation of God in human form in the person of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 3:13–17, Luke 3:22, John 2:1–11). Also celebrated by Pryguny. |
23 февраля — Неделя
примирения (От Матфея 6:14-21) |
February 23 — Reconciliation Week An adaptation of Cheesefare Week, the only Orthodox week in which eating of dairy products is permitted on every day (even Wednesday and Friday...) (Mathew 6:14-21). Not supported by all congregations. |
1 марта — Прощеное
воскресенье |
March 1 — Forgiveness
Sunday The day on which everyone confesses their sins and asks forgiveness of their neighbor. |
7 апреля — Благовещение (От Луки 1:26-38) |
April 7 — Annunciation Revelation to Mary, mother of Jesus, by the angel Gabriel that she would conceive a child to be born the Son of God (Luke 1:26-38). Also celebrated by Pryguny. |
19 апреля — Пасха (От Матфея 27:64, От Матфея 28:6-7, От Марка 16:6, От Луки 24:6, От Луки 24:34) |
April 19 — Easter The resurrection of Jesus from the dead (Matthew 27:64, Matthew 28:6-7, Mark 16:6, Luke 24:6, Luke 24:34). Foods: red eggs, kulich cake bread, and sometimes plain paskha cheese. Molokans and Jumpers typically call the cake bread paskha (instead of kulich) and ignore paskha cheese. Also celebrated by Pryguny and Dukh-i-zhizniki per Old Testament movable holidays. |
28 мая — Вознесение
(От Марка 16:19, От Луки 24:51, Деяния 1:1-12) |
May 28 — Ascension Jesus' body ascended to heaven in the presence of his apostles, 40 days following his resurrection (Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, Acts 1:1-12). Also celebrated by Pryguny and Dukh-i-zhizniki per Old Testament movable holidays. |
7 июня — Троица
(Деяния 2) |
June 7 — Trinity (Pentecost)
(50th-day) In the New Testament, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus (Acts 2). Also celebrated by Pryguny and Dukh-i-zhizniki per Old Testament movable holidays. |
12 июля — Петров
день (От Матфея 16:16-18) (День первоверховных апостолов Петра и Павла) |
July 12 — Peter's Day Adaption of Apostle Peter and Paul Day, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (Matthew 16:16-18). Molokane, like Doukhobors, do not venerate saints, yet use this holiday. |
2 августа — Ильин
день (3-я Царств 17, 3-я Царств 18) (Святой пророк Илия) |
August 2 — Elijah's Day Adaption of the commemoration of Prophet Elijah, "guardian angel" of the Hebrews. (1 Kings 17, 1 Kings 18) |
19 августа — Преображение (От Матфея 17:1-9, От Марка 9:2-8, От Луки 9:28-36) |
August 19 — Transfiguration Jesus becomes radiant, speaks with Moses and Elijah, and is called "Son" by God; he is transfigured above Moses and Elijah, the two preeminent figures of Judaism. (Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36) Also celebrated by Pryguny. |
август - ноябрь — Урожай,
жатва (Исход 23:16) |
- November — Harvest Festival An ancient Russian holiday, modified during Soviet times, celebrated as a thanksgiving day from late summer to winter depending on congregation. (Exodus. 23:16). Compare with harvest festivals around the world. Observed by some rural Dukh-i-zhiniki in the US (Nov 8 for Buchnoff-Kochergin-Siskiyou Ave, Kerman CA). |
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A full survey of all
congregations has not yet been completed, but in general
Spiritual Christian Molokane
in the Former Soviet Union today celebrate about 10
to 11 holidays, most adapted from the Orthodox:.
These holidays are not totally supported by all Molokan congregations or congregants because they have different backgrounds and histories. For example, because Reconciliation Week corresponds with Butter Week (Maslenitsa), a non-Christian a sun festival, many ignore it (compare to Carnival, Mardi Gras). Many rural congregations celebrate the Harvest Festival (Urozhai, zhatva : Урожай, жатва), which is not an Orthodox holiday. |
Comparison Dukhobortsy
to Molokane. Dukhobortsy, who lived near Molokane for centuries had more holidays in Russia, then changed their holiday calendar in the new world. Today the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ (USCC, Community Doukhobors) retains only 3 of their original 26 holidays — Easter, Peter's Day (Petro Den' updated), and Birth of Christ (Christmas). Independent Doukhobors prefer "Peace Day" instead of "Peter's Day", because they are not commemorating a leader, rather their common 1895 burning of arms. |
Молокане, прыгуны и дух-и-жизники — вокгуг света | Molokane, Pryguny and Dukh-i-zhiniki Around the World |