Spiritual Christian Genealogy
INDEX (Updated May
4, 2012) Spiritual Christian faiths
of Molokane, Pryguny and Dukh-i-zhizniki |
Christian Family History & Genealogy Message
and Meaning of Spiritual Christian Surnames By Jonathan J. Kalmakoff with Andrew J. Conovaloff <<www.doukhobor.org/Molokan.html>> Spiritual Christian surnames often hold clues to family origins. In some cases they can indicate the name of an early ancestor, their trade or occupation, ethnic or geographic origin, or a descriptive nickname. The following glossary contains roots and meanings of hundreds of Russian Spiritual Christian surnames in America and Russia. This site will expand with Noteworthy Spiritual Christian and a surname location index. |
Russian Genealogy
Forum, "All Russia Family Tree" Генеалогический форум ВГД, Всероссийское генеалогическое древо Started by German Strelnikov, with others. For 50 rubles/page he will search and photocopy at the State Archives of Georgia and Armenia.
Russian Sectarian Burials in LA County Cemetery,
1904-1909 By Dave W Samarin, Nancy-Popin-Umland, Andrei Conovaloff. Below are transliterated Russian surnames, in Soundex order, from 150 Russian immigrant burials recorded at the Los Angeles County Cemetery (founded 1896), 3301 E. 1st St. (corner of Lorena St.), Los Angeles, CA 90063 phone: 323-268-5111 (Hours: 7:30 am to 3:00 pm, Monday Friday). The original handwritten list was collected by David W. Samarin in 1996. In 2008, Nancy Popin transcribed the list and posted it on the Spiritual Christian Family History and Genealogy Message Board. In 2010 Conovaloff analyzed the data, corrected errors and interpreted the 60 different Russian surnames listed below. Of the 150 graves, 80% were infants, and 85 were moved in 1910 to the Prygun and Dukh-i-zhiznik cemetery purchased on Eastern Ave. at Second Street. 65 graves remain at the original LA County Cemetery. For more details see: 150 Russian Spiritual Christian Burials in Los Angeles County Cemetery, 1904-1909. Surnames Indexed (Count - Soundex - Russian tranliteration (ALA-LC)
Last Name
Frequency Map: USA by State << http://names.whitepages.com/last/_YOUR LAST NAME_ >> Enter your last name, or any last name, into this search engine to get a frequency map of the US showing last name by state. Examples: Shubin(count 806), Bogdanoff(329), Baghdanov(31), Samarin(309), Nazaroff(201), Tolmachoff(139), Mendrin(120), Babashoff(36), Babeshoff(20), Babishoff(19), Susoeff(90), Sissoev(4), Loscutoff(82), Loskutoff(41), Rogoff(690), Mohoff(57), Metchikoff(34), Matchniff(27), Berekoff(25), Berokoff(32), Berukoff(19), Klubnikin(27), Dobrenen(34), Dobrinen(40), Dobrinin(23), Efseaff(45), Kochergen(42), Pivovaroff(72), Kostrikin(55), Uraine(61), Urane(23), Treguboff(101), Slivkoff(105), Slevcove(55), Hozen(36), Hazen(5542), ... try your own.... |
Molokan Families,
genealogy research Фамилии Молокан, генеалогические исследования By German Strelnikov << http://www.sdhm.ru/forum/topic_12 >> 27 May 2008 The first "Molokan genealogy" website in Russia is proposed, and the second in the Russian language (See Sandikov Genealogy below). Hosted by the website SDHM.info Soiuz dukhovnie kristian-molokan (Union of Spiritual Chirstian Molokans). German proposes starting with a list of the 143 families who purchased the 34 square miles of land for the village of Vorontsovka in 1851. See the list: "Historical Material". Spiritual Christians founded Vorontsovka village in 1844, Soviets renamed it Kalinino in 1935, and in 1991 Armenia renamed it Tashir. It was the location of the historic 1905 Molokan convention. The 1851 Vorontsovka founders' census shows family names, gender, age, and where they came from in Russia. German also published 3 family trees (MS-Word.DOC) going back 8 generations to the early 1800s for Glazovs, Strelnikovs and Semiletovs. The 107 Vorontsovka founding family surnames (English - Russian) are:
1853 Tax Register List (234
4 villages, Elizavetpol' Guberniia, now west Azerbaijan
and east Armenia) Research by German Strelnikov, Russian Genealogy Forum "All Russia Family Tree", May 16, 2010. Molokane, Pryguny and Doukhboors lived in neighboring villages. The Doukhboor list was posted in Russian and English. c. Михайловка - Mikhailovka village (65 surnames, 85 household families)
c. Новосаратовка - Novosaratovka village (44 surnames, 104 household families)
c. Головино - Golovino village (15 surnames, 19 household families)
c. Новое Делижаны - Novo Delizhan village (17 surnames, 26 household families)
Relatives Collected sections from 2009 Vest', journal of the Union of Spiritual Christian Molokans, Russian Federation * Indicates some relatives migrated to America.
Family By Nancy (Poppin) Posey << http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/p/o/s/Nancy-A-Posey/ >> Extensive genealogy: 5 generations with 20 photos. |
Molokan Marriage Records, 1906-1999 By Nancy Poppin-Posey << http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sf/posey.htm >> San Francisco Genealogy |
Cemetery Tombstone Transcriptions By Nancy Poppin-Posey, 2006
Cemetery Records Vacaville - El Mira
Cemetery By Nancy Popin, Aug 2008. Full names and Find-A-Grave links posted on Spiritual Christian Family History & Genealogy Message Board Shown here is index of surnames and counts listed.
(in Russian) (Translated
online into English) By Vladimir Vasilevich, Alexey Ivanovich, and Paul Vasilevich Sandykov << http://www.sandikov.name >> An ambitious Russian and Mordovian Spiritual Christian genealogy list started in 2006. Features a very complete Sandikov familty tree, and a history of Spiritual Christian in the Caucasus with a list of the original families that moved to their home village of Nadezhdino (formerly: Shorzha. Many of these families were Mordovian, and several migrated to America.
Family Story By Mary Paul Popoff-Kimberlin <<http://iheartrussia.com/>>. Launched 2008, update June 2010 Popoff, Babashoff, Bogdanov, Patapoff, Tolmachoff, Kalpakoff 502 photos in 11 albums on the Popoff family website: Early Arizona, John Paul & Nellie Alex (Babashoff), Alex Sergei. Tolmachoff, Paul and Mary Popoff, John and Hazel (Bogdanov), Katya Patapoff, 2008 Popoff Family Reunion. |
Christian Immigration
Canada by Jonathan J. Kalmakoff, webmaster of the Doukhobor Genealogy Website, and the Origin & Meaning of Molokan Surnames As of March 2007 Jon posted 5 ship lists and 1 border crossing record. He estimates about 200 Spiritual Christians (most from Kars, some from Saratov) migrated first to Canada (Quebec) mostly with Doukhobors, then took the train from Winnepeg, Manitoba to Los Angeles. Some were quarantined in hospital. 28 standardized suname spellings include:
Tombstone Project Alphabetical
list of 253 markers By Dorothy Reinhart, The Tombstone Transcription Project, Jan 31, 2007 Then she posted photosof each grave marker, California Genealogy and History Archives, 2008 Sectarian Russian Molokan Church Cemetery, Kerman, Fresno County, California (north of Barstow Ave, 1 mile west of Madera Ave)
Names by George Mohoff, 1995 << http://www.molokane.org/books/Mohoff/1995/Appendix.html >> Lists of property owners, residents, and cemetery markers, from the Appendices, The Russian Colony of Guadalupe Pryguny Molokans in Mexico, by George Mohoff, 1995. Pages 206-226. Added list of those who moved to Jerome Junction, Arizona, in 1916. Surnames Indexed (Soundex, Russian tranliteration (ALA-LC) linked to Origins of Spiritual Christian Surnames)
Konnoff & Moiseve
Genealogy Page by Ron Konnoff << http://members.tripod.com/~konnoff/konnoffgenealogy.html >> Ron who lives in South Gate, California, was the first to publish a Spiritual Christian Genealogy on the web; and he is the first to offer a Guestbook, with comments by site visitors. He is now redesigning his page which includes the histories and 13 early photos of these families. Ron invites any contributions, and has posted notices about Spiritual Christian Geneology on several websites. |
Tolmasoff &
Patapoff Families: Tracing two Molokan
Russian-American Families by Pam Tolmasoff <<http://members.tripod.com/~tolmasova/tolmasovaindex.html>> In a colorfully designed website with lots of photos, Pam includes the history of her family in Oregon from their villages near Kars to today. Photos date from 1915, the 30's, 40's and 90's. Be patient, the photos take a long time to load. Her site is divided into sections by head of family titled: |
Paul & Annie
Zolnekoff Family
by Allan Zolnekoff << http://www.allanz.com >> This is the latest addition to Spiritual Christian Genealogy. My cousin Allan crafted a sharp site with a short history and photos of his foster parents, his Doukhobor mother, famous father, and his council work with the City of Whittier. |
Shinen-Valoff Family Pedigree
Chart 5 generations prepared 2006 by Louis Walter Shinen, Jr. I traced my ancestors back to 1841. My grandfolks came to America around 1904 from Kars Oblast. They also lived in Georgia. My dad, Louis Walter Shinen, died in 1981 in Rosemead, Calif. My mom, Anna William Pavloff, died in 2002. I was in the service from 1963 to 1969, yet I was able to miss all the fighting. I was off the coast of Vietnam for two months before the war and we were rotated back to Okinawa just before the first landings. I was on orders to go to Danang when I got out and started college. So I was blessed in not having to shed the blood of my fellow man. Surnames of my ancestors:
Photos Russia (Kars
1903, Piatigorsk 1970), San Francisco 1911 by Jean (Evanikoff) Murray << http://www.molokane.org/molokan/Genealogy/Murray_email.htm >> Jean sent in 4 photos. The first was taken in San Francisco around 1911-12: "Many of them are Evanikoff family, and it is one of my very favorite photos. The young boy, seated on the ground at left, is my father, and he is holding what appears to be a Bible. The other two boys are holding ENGLISH FOR NEW AMERICANS." Also there's several photos taken in Russia (Piatigorsk?) in August 1970 by my grandfather, but we don't know who there relatives are or where they live, and my grandparents in Kars about 1903. |
Photos from
Blagoveshchensk |
Russian Spiritual Christian and Subbotnik
Genealogy Research Web-site by Bill Aldacusion << http://www.subbotiki.net >> "...for people of Russian Spiritual Christian or Subbotnik heritage ... to encourage information sharing and joint family history research. " Bill, who was raised in Montebello, California, is looking for: Abakumoff, Agalsoff, Agazoff, Aldacushion, Aldakushin, Babashoff, babeshoff, Babishoff, Bolderoff, Federoff, Konnoff, Mohoff, Pivovaroff, Pivaroff, Samaduroff, Samarin, Shubin, Tolmasoff, Tolmachoff, Vichkonoff. |
Kars Parish
registers, 1879-1917 and 1871-1919 E-mail from Rob and Sue Craven << http://www.molokane.org/molokan/Genealogy/Kars_records.htm >> Microfilm of manuscripts in the Central Historical Archive of the Armenian Republic, Erevan. Text in Russian. Catalog information from the LDS Family History Library Card Catalog for information collected from Kars, Turkey (Russian Empire). The first set was filmed on 62 microfilm reels by The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1994-1995. The information was collected from churches in the Kars area, that were tasked by the Tsar with political record keeping. Our research has shown that these films contain a vast variety of documents and files, including Birth, Marriage, Death and Passport records. As soon as any of you have seen these please send in a report. Go to the nearest Mormon Library. In California, check West LA and Oakland, and in Arizona I'll visit Mesa. |
Russian Genealogy Two articles edited in November 2007 to show information most useful for Molokan genealogy: Russian Genealogy, and Digging up your Russian Roots. |
Ellis Island Wall of
Honor 18 Spiritual Christian families and individuals are listed on a new public display in New York Belikoff, Bolotin, Buchnoff-Mendrin, Conovaloff-Miloserdoff, Kalpakoff, Loscutoff, Nazaroff, Novikoff, Popoff, Shubin, Soriakoff, Susoeff. These families donated $100 or $200 to the American Immigration Wall of Honor to help fund the Ellis Island restoration project. |
Dictionary of Period Russian Names (and
some of their Slavic roots) by Paul Wickenden of Thanet << http://www.sca.org/heraldry/paul/index.html >> This compilation of over 25,000 Russian names taken from period sources is a great place to start learning what your last name means in Russian. For example the most common American Molokan surname Shubin, comes from shuba, a fur coat; Conovaloff comes from Konoval (m) "horse doctor." Not all names are listed. |
All Russia Family
Tree by Sergey Kotelnikov and Ludmilla Birukova << http://www.vgd.ru/ >> If you can read Russian, you can follow this drill-down site to find surnames. Most of the instructions are in English; but the name index is in Russian. They started by listing the most common Russian surnames and famous people with that name. Now it's up to the users to add their family data. |
List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet by Cyndi Howells << http://www.CyndisList.com >> More than 54,350 links! 42,850 links, categorized & referenced, in over 100 categories. Another 11,500+ uncategorized new links in the works. See the Surname lists. Updated often. |
Russian Roots by Mikhail Kroutikhin << http://www.mtu-net.ru/rrr/bill.htm >> Links to several Russian geneology sites |
Searching for: Susie Valoff by Antonio Solorzano, (found on CyberPages International, Lost and Missing Relatives << http://www.cyberpages.com/attractions/persons199610.html >>) I am searching for my first cousin, the son of my mother's late younger brother, Tom Mares, whose nickname was "Sailor". My uncle Tom has many Russian Spiritual Christian friends and spoke fluent Russian. His wife at the time was a young Russian Molokan girl named Susie Valoff (Valov). My uncle met Susie when they both lived in the Boyle Heights section of Los Angeles in the 1930's. I believe shortly after the birth of their son, Jeffrey, they divorced. A few years later, my uncle Tom approved of Jeffrey's adoption by Susie's new husband, a name I don't have. Information from my mother and surviving uncle is that Susie had family in the Bakersfield/Fresno, California area and that they were potatoe farmers. Susie and her family were members of the Russian Spiritual Christian community. Jeffrey is probably in his 60's by now. If there is anyone with information about Susie or Jeffrey, please contact Antonio Solorzano, Jr., 825 Bluff Road, Montebello, California 90640-5921 or at the following e-mail address: mjimenez@bell.k12.ca.us. Date added: October 30, 1996 Email: mjimenez@bell.k12.ca.us Entry #2465 |
Genealogy Discussion Group by Jon Kalmakoff on April 25, 1999 << http://cgi.rootsweb.com/~genbbs/genbbs.cgi/Canada/Special/Doukhobor>> and http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec?htx=board&r=an&p=topics.religious.doukhobor Perhaps this bulletin board can serve as a "beginning point" for individuals researching their DOUKHOBOR family history. Interested in your heritage?? Unsure how to begin tracing it?? Looking for others doing the same?? Confused by Russian names and their forms?? Searching for long-lost family members?? Unfamiliar with Doukhobor history?? Any research tips to share?? Frustrated by the lack of resources and materials available?? Or "just surfed in" to check it out?? THEN POST YOUR MESSAGE HERE!! There are more researchers and resources out there than you might think!! e-mail: Jonathan Kalmakoff <<jon.kalmakoff@accesscomm.ca >> |
Doukhobor Genealogy by Jon Kalmakoff on 2000 <<www.doukhobor.org >> "the primary internet source connecting researchers of Doukhobor genealogy. This site is dedicated to the reclamation, discovery, collection, preservation and free sharing of information related to Doukhobor family history." (Spiritual Christians too!) e-mail: Jonathan Kalmakoff <<jon.kalmakoff@accesscomm.ca >> |
Strelnikov Family Tree
Генеалогическое древо Стрельниковых 8 generations 1801-2006 (MS-Word.DOC)
Semiletov Family Tree
Генеалогическое древо Семилетовых 8 generations 1805-2006 (MS-Word.DOC)
Christian NEWS
Molokan Home Page
Pryguny and Dukh-i-zhiniki Around the